Sunday, April 27, 2008

This Week

Hey, All!!
Here are some (notice I said some....) of the events and highlights from this week (with pictures below... of course!) Hope you all have a wonderful day, here's a hello from our house to yours...
P.S. Baby bunnies arrived yesterday! Pictures to follow announcement.

Aspiring Photographer...

Just in case you were wondering what will happen when I grow up and don't post here anymore - never fear! I'm showing you a picture of our aspiring photographer... who, er... can't wait to get her hands on the camera and blog!! You really ought to see more of her art - it's... to say the least - interesting! :-)

Miss Abigail!!!

Joe's 19th

Joe's 19th birthday was on the 19th of April. (which is cool, since it only happens once in your lifetime!) I've got some pictures of the celebration - Hope you enjoy and have a great day!!!

Did you enjoy your cake.... Hm?


Birthday hug!!

More "Inspection"

Happy Birthday to You!!!

Not Another One!

Well, what happens when you let Mom and Roberta go to town together, alone? ... What happened a few months ago was that they brought home a kitten. (Zoe) Okay, so we only had two here, and they were little. Well, that cat grows up - and gets not-so-cute.

And what, what do you think they came home with yesterday? A kitten. Surprise of all surprises. Of course, this kitten is different. This kitten is Roberta's - (now I know how Mom got talked into it - it's not ours, it's Roberta's!) After all, Angora Cats (which is what she is) live to be 15 or so, and Seal (which is her name) is only about 5 weeks... Roberta will be 31 or older when it dies!! Oh, boy. Multi-generational cats!


Curiosity at it's best. You should see this cat go! She's so curious (that's the only word for her!) I'm afraid she won't make 15!

Wonderment. If that's a word.

The meeting. Zoe and Seal looked at each other for a second, then Seal hissed and Zoe was gone! Scardy- cat!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

What's New?

Not too much is new - just, let me see....
1. Spring weather is on the way! (finally) Everyone was saying it was just about a month late this year. We had a pretty bad winter, for here. Lots of snow, and it stayed forever! Well, yesterday (Sunday) it was in the low 70's when we came home from church. It was just about in the high 60's on Saturday - we were outside all day!
2. Putting up fences to keep the deer out of our orchard, garden, and bushes. Not very easy, just ask Joe and Dad! :-)
3. Big calf. Miss Daisy Mae weighs over 90 pounds now, she's gained around twice what she was born weighing (which is very good)
4. Getting four gallons of milk a day (also very good, in case you didn't know that about cows)
:-) That's about it! Hope you have a great day!