Friday, October 24, 2008

Farm Question #3

Hello, Everyone!!
Believe it or not, it's time for farm question #3 already! But first... the answer to farm question #2...
Farm Question #2 was... What is the generic term (the word for both male and female of a species) of this type of animal?

Okay, and here's the answer! This type of animal is called a bovine. The word for the male animal is bull, females are cows. Most people just call the animal a cow, since females are the ones that actually "make the milk." Heifer is the word for a bovine that has not had a calf (baby) yet, hence is not milking. A female cow must have had a calf in order to give milk, by the way.
Here's FQ#3!!
What time of day does a rooster crow?
a. Early morning
b. At noon
c. Evening
d. All day long
e. Only in emergencies
Have fun! Remember that, if you wish, you can email the answer to FQ#3 to our family email account with "Blog::FQ3#::10-24-08" in the subject line. Thanks for playing along!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday Outing and MORE!!!

Hello, blog readers, friends, family, and other people of all sorts!!!!!
I am so sorry that I haven't posted in so long!!! It was literally impossible to sign in for some reason... but it did it tonight for me for some reason!!! I hope you enjoy the following pictures and news... which include Sarah's birthday, a train ride, and some fun. Enjoy!!!
Hope you have a wonderful week!!!!

Last Sunday afternoon, we took an adventure all of the hour and a half over the mountains to Ione for the last scenic train ride of the season. It was so lovely and the colors were gorgeous! We were worried it would be cold in the open air train car, but it was so wonderful and the weather was perfect!!! I took about 248 pictures... I think... and so I sorted through them to bring you about 10 or 15. =)
_A stop in Tiger to visit the historical Store and Museam.

The engine of our train. Aren't the colors of autumn gorgeous?

Goin' into a tunnel!


Three lovely passengers!


Dad! (Hi, Dad =)

The really cool dam on the river. We stopped on the trestle bridge over the river just above this dam for about two minutes... oh boy! Take about suspense!!! We were 160 feet up above the Pend Orielle River on a trestle bridge... you can image.

Down. Need I say more?

The shadow of our train on the rock face. Cool!

I loved this little tiny cottage on the side of the tracks. There's something... intriguing... about it.


I'm tellin' ya... this is some gorgeous country around here! Simply beautiful!

(That's the Pend Orielle River by the way. You'll never guess... you pronounce it "Pond Or-ray." I'm totally serious! Too many French explorers, I guess.)

Hey! It's "purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain!"


Faces of the Farm

A couple of days ago, "us girls" took some pictures of us around the farm. Here's some of them... and some extra art. You know I can't resist. =)
Sarah... aw... ain't she cute!?

Another case of "Sistas"... plain and simple. What other title could suit?

Inky and Dad.

Cowgirl Me... can you believe it?! A picture of me?


I had to share this awfully cool photo with you all... I don't know how it happened! I was sorting through pictures later and I found it! I think it's so neat, though it's out of focus....

Roberta is actually up the hill a ways and I guess she was wondering where she wanted me so that I could take her picture. The dog was around and I guess he scared a bird out of the bushes... or something. =)

Lovely maiden.

Sarah's Birthday

September 30th was Sarah's 13th Birthday! Here are some pictures of the day...

The festivities begin with present opening after a pizza lunch.

We took Sarah out to dinner in Colville as a surprise! But first, some of us had to decorate. So, we let Mom and Sarah out of the car a few blocks away while Dad and the rest of us girls hurried to the restaurant to set up. Sarah and Mom stopped at the courthouse to take some pictures of beautiful roses and beautiful Sarah before walking to the restaurant!

Princess Sarah.

Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Sarah.... Happy birthday toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you!!!!!!!!!!!


That concludes my post for this evening! God bless you all with a wonderful week!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Update on Joe

Hello, everyone!
Thanks so much for your prayers for Joe! We the first call from him Saturday morning and he seems to be doing very well. He says that it's not so much the physical part of the stress as it is the mental and emotional. Keep those prayers going! He is doing fine pretty much everywhere. ALERT still hasn't posted on their blog... ( ...but I will let you know if they do. You can email me if you would like Joe's email address... I don't know how many of you I sent it to. :-)
Your usual author,
P.S. I will post pictures of Sarah's birthday as soon as I can figure out how to attach my camera to Dad's laptop or fix the problem our family computer is currently having on Blogger. (any advice on the subject would be most appreciated! I can look at any blog I want, just if I go to log on or read comments, it comes up with the "page cannot be displayed" nonsense. I've tried all the suggestions!) Thank you for your patience!!