Monday, January 25, 2010


Wow, I think this is the longest I've ever gone without posting!! Disgraceful. I'm really sorry, everyone!!!

I got my wisdom teeth pulled on January 8th, then I was down for a few days, then I was trying to catch up in school as well as prepare for a possible bluegrass performance... yikes! I've been busy!
My camera is currently away being serviced, but I hope I can delight you with a few pictures taken before it got mailed away. Enjoy, and have a great day!

Toothless!! Kind Of.

Abby lost her first tooth on top! She looks quite the little pirate. Now we're waiting for the other one...

Love ya, Abby!!

2010 US Nationals

January 16th was the 2010 US Nationals Senior Pairs Free Skate.... which we got to see!! It was great! Mom got us girls tickets for Christmas. =) We had a ton of fun, and it was wonderful seeing the skaters in real life! It's so different from watching a recording. They were in Spokane, a city which is a few hour's drive from our home.
I did the best I could on the pics with a 55mm lens, which doesn't allow you to take very close pictures!! But I hope you enjoy them just the same. =)

What was really neat was how a lot of them did the same moves, but they were all so different!

The gold medalists, Caydee Denney and Jeremy Barrett. They were fantastic!!!

The awards ceremony.