Saturday, October 9, 2010

In Which Dad Learns to Use a Backhoe Thingy

Last week, Dad and Joe did some creek maintenance... or something. Dad rented "the yellow thing" and dug out the creek so the water would flow more smoothly. (yes, we had permission from the fish & wildlife people!)

It was really interesting because Dad had never driven a thing like that before... and I'm still not sure what to call it. It's like a backhoe... only... smaller.
Any ideas on what I should be calling it? I can't remember!!

Meanwhile, Joe enjoyed goofing on the tractor!

Two-man job. For sure! They had some system going - and I'm not sure what was going on. All I know is that Dad was on the yellow thing, Joe was on the tractor, and there was a lot of talking amd moving and splashing!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Farm Life

I don't think a lot of people realize how TRUE this seems sometimes!!! =)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sarah's 15th Birthday!

As some of you may know, Sarah turned 15 on September 30th!!
Happy birthday, Sarah!!

Of course we had to do something special as it was a birthday... and this time it was these adorable "western" paper plates.

The birthday girl!!! =)

Grammie always finds the most awesome singing cards! You know the kind... where you open it up and a song starts to play? This one is so funny - little hamsters or something sing this little ditty that has remained stuck in our heads since the party. =)

A spatula?! Oh, dear. Now I have to cook!
jk, sis.

I honestly don't know where the green flare on Sarah's head is from... probably the candles. Oh... well.

Yum.... =)

Oh, look, even I made it into the picture! Well, my reflection did, anyway. My arm and my head...

~Hope you had a happy, happy birthday, Sarah!! Love you tons!!!
