Once upon a time....
A long photographer ventured out into the wilderness of The Blueberry Field to take her Picture of the Day. (A rather private person, this photographer is keeping the Project... well... private. Just in case the curious were... well... curious.)
A flash of white went by. The photographer was started. "Hark! Who goes there?" She shouted courageously, despite the terror she felt arising in her heart. However, she had no need to be terrified, for out of the tall grass emerged the beautiful form of the legend - Queen Abigail the Valiant!!

"Fear not, foolish photographer, for I am a Queen of Mercy and of Kindness. I do not come in the name of Terror, but in the name of Peace."
(okay, it was more along the lines of, "Hannah, it's ME." But that didn't sound as good in the storybook.)

It is rare that Queen Abigail the Valiant stands still for more than one minute... and even more rare that she graces the front of the lens with her presence. But the lone photographer was in luck today!

Queen Abigail was more than obliging.
She is, after all, the eight-year-old baby of the family.