Thursday, June 30, 2011


Rodeo time!! =)

Just as awesome as last year, this rodeo involved the usual: calf roping, barrel racing, bronco busting, bull riding, team roping, bareback riding, steer wrestling.

These awesome cowboys and girls put our paltry riding skills to shame!! =)


And boots. Definitely the dress of the day!!
The Tough Enough girls!! =)

And horses.

Can't forget about the horses.

Wowwww... I dare you to do that!

Most of these events look rather... painful. Gulp!! =)

The cute lil' eight-year-old rodeo queen was an awesome rider. =)
What American event is complete without ice cream?!

Way to go, folks!

Mmmm - that looks like FUN!

There was a gorgeous sunset!! Sorry about all the distractions... but... you get the point. =)

And that, girls and guys, was this year's rodeo! Come back to the blog soon for more updates... we hope.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy First Day of SUMMER!

It's the first day of summer, ya'll!! And I can tell it's going to be a good one! =)

Everybody says "hey" to ya'll... and that they hope you have a grand summer, too!!

Watch for posts off and on during these warmer months... I hope. My computer is currently under repair with a broken-down harddrive, so... that may be few and far between!


Monday, June 13, 2011

Queen Abigail the Valiant

Once upon a time....

A long photographer ventured out into the wilderness of The Blueberry Field to take her Picture of the Day. (A rather private person, this photographer is keeping the Project... well... private. Just in case the curious were... well... curious.)

A flash of white went by. The photographer was started. "Hark! Who goes there?" She shouted courageously, despite the terror she felt arising in her heart. However, she had no need to be terrified, for out of the tall grass emerged the beautiful form of the legend - Queen Abigail the Valiant!!

"Fear not, foolish photographer, for I am a Queen of Mercy and of Kindness. I do not come in the name of Terror, but in the name of Peace."

(okay, it was more along the lines of, "Hannah, it's ME." But that didn't sound as good in the storybook.)

It is rare that Queen Abigail the Valiant stands still for more than one minute... and even more rare that she graces the front of the lens with her presence. But the lone photographer was in luck today!

Queen Abigail was more than obliging.

She is, after all, the eight-year-old baby of the family.
Despite the fact that she IS the baby, she has a very good, hearty "CHARGE" voice. And she won't mind using it if one is disobeying the rules of her Country.

The valiant Queen will not shy away from danger or distress. Always willing to come to your aid, she raises her flashing sword high over the heads of her enemies, almost daring them to come against her.

The neighboring cows think the Queen both amusing and loud - and they can rest assured that all will be well under the reign of Queen Abigail. Even though she doesn't venture into their field, because... well... there is a bull. And bulls are bulls, even in Abigail's Country.

Practicing her sword-throwing skills.

And after that, the very humble lone photographer bowed very graciously low to the ground and thanked Her Majesty for her Time. The Queen said, "Oh, anytime." And with that... we can truly say...


Blueberry Update

We thought ya'll might enjoy a little peek at what our blueberries are doing now!

We've got loads of little blossoms on some of the plans. Sadly, others aren't doing so well... we have yet to figure out why. But we're just taking it all as the Lord gives it to us!! (or not...)

Random Early Summerness

Sooooo... here's a few random things that we've been enjoying lately!! *Beware* When I say random... I really, truly mean it.

Gardening... Mom and I (Hannah) have been out and about in our garden a loooooottt recently!! It's been a blessed change from early spring mud, shall we say?

Our favorite cow deserved a little bit of cyberspace. =)

Our lilacs are almost done blooming!! :( Sad, sad, sad. It was so much fun to enjoy them while they lasted, though!

We've also had our share of rain and thunderstorms and so on and so forth. This morning we worked out in the blueberry patch all day, and it was dry and slightly cloudy. Then this afternoon it thunderstormed - the huge rolls of thunder and big cracks of lightning kind of storm. And then, guess what? We had a sunset! Serious.

On Friday night during church sports, we saw a beautiful rainbow - a gift from God just for us!! I posted a bit about it on my blog.

That's all for now, folks!! Thanks a ton for visiting - come back soon!!

We *promise* we'll post more this summer. Kinda.
