Believe it or NOT (and you won't, cuz I still don't), but
Cue sobbing and wailing and weeping.
And look. My flipflops were ready.
My FLIPFLOPS were ready to go to the RODEO, people!
But my job called. Having a summer job is an AWESOME blessing, don't get me wrong, okay? I lovelovelovelove where I work, and it's really fabulous. But when I have to work weekends? RODEO weekends? It's kinda sad.

So I can content myself with looking at
Dakota's gorgeous shots of calf-roping cowboys and barrel-racing cowgirls... big smiles, big horses, bull riders, dust and dirt and small-town love. Because I wasn't there to take any. (If you want to read any more about our small town exploding with rodeo-ness every June, just check out
last year's post.)
However!! After work on Saturday, I drove down to meet my family (fresh from the rodeo!) at our fifties hamburger joint, which was awesome. =) So I didn't witness the events firsthand, but I got to sip Coke and listen to stories and admire my little sister's hand... which she got SIGNED... by a BULL FIGHTER.
People, people, people... this is one of the many privileges you get when you're FAIR PRINCESS!!
These are the people that I love. =)
After dinner, Sarah hopped in my car for the drive home. On the way, we swung by the fairgrounds to see if any rodeoness was still going on. Um, no. Just horse-loading.
oh, well. let's take a beautifully long drive home?
Oh, also... let's stop on the side of the road to take princess pictures?
Can you believe this place we live?
Apparently not!
Well... it looks like a lot of people have been off-roading here lately... a favorite pastime of most teenagers where I come from!
Ever seen such pretty weeds? =)
She was S-U-R-E that some Saturday evening logging truck was about to come up that hill and smash her to pieces.
I hope it was some comfort for her to know that I'D get smashed to pieces, too... but she didn't seem to feel any better.
And we're all in one piece.
Gah wowowowowowow. She's cute.
Annnddd then, we were on our merry way once again.
Pickup truck love... yes? Something about girls (country girls) and trucks.
Sunshine in our faces... wind in our hair...
it took me a million years to get the tangles out, but it was so worth it. SO.
much love!