Well, here we are, finally on a
real vacation!! No house hunting,etc. We crossed the great Cascade mountains yesterday, with disastrous results to one of our tires. I (Roberta) was listening to Elsie
Dinsmore on audio book (very entertaining, I highly recommend it) when we all heard a terrific BANG!! and the right rear tire had blown. Fortunately, we were just hitting our maximum ascent speed (about 25-35 mph) and so were spared to horrors of a high-speed blowout. God was really looking out for us.
Joe adds:
Evidently we hit a rock in the road and it caused the tire to go. The force of the explosion almost ripped the tire off the
wheel rim. Dad and I got out to fix it and Hannah took the pictures.

The Cascades

Our blown tire

Dad and Joe Putting the spare on.
Have a great vacation , congrats on the new home:) Hathaways
I know it was a weird time to take pictures, but a good photographer finds an opportunity in every situation and "bazzare circumstance"!
So glad to hear that you have found your farm. Have a great and relaxing vacation. There will be much to do when you finally unpack :-) We really miss seeing all of you. Do you have a mailing address??
Josh P
Tampa, FL
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