Saturday, June 14, 2008

Okay, everybody - just calm down.


There's those friends of ours I was talking about. I don't know if you remember the Engells or not - they've been on here before. They're excavation people, as well as good friends and bluegrass professionals. Talk about busy!

Ahem, but I digress...

Abby's favorite part - horses! I should have counted them all - there were so many in the various parts of the parade!

Aren't you glad we didn't buy this one? LOL - come to think of it - we wouldn't have fit.


The P Family said...

Why is it not mentioned that there were millions of horses? I mean, thousands. Okay, fine - hundreds.

p.s. mabye 75.

Anonymous said...

Because there were only about 50. Not even - maybe 40.