Sunday, September 28, 2008

Farm Question #2

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Farm Question #2!
First, the answer to farm question #1 - What is the difference between straw and hay... if there is any difference at all?
Hay is grown as a grass. When it gets tall enough, farmers cut it down, dry it, bale it, and feed it to their animals. Basically, it is just dry grass. Alfalfa, orchard grass, and other grass mixes are cut and used for hay.
Straw is the leftover stalks of grains such as wheat, oats, and rye. After harvesting the grain, the farmers cut down the stalks and dry them, then bale them for straw. Straw has little to no nutritional value and so is used for bedding. It is the yellow stuff you see in pictures of sleeping cows. :-)
Okay... now for Farm Question #2!!!!

What is the generic term (the word for both male and female) of the animal in the above picture?


You can post your answer here in comment form, or, if you do not have Blogger, you can email it to us! You can use either Dad's or the family's address. Just be sure to put in the subject line: "Blog::Farm Question #2::9-29-08"


Have fun!!!!! - Hannah

P.S. Congradulations to Holly for giving the correct answer to FQ#1!!

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