Hello, everyone!!
Here are the pictures from the piano recital on December 6th. Really late, aren't I?! Thanks for putting up with me... and enjoy the photos!! Hope you have a great day!!
Your usual and faithful blogger,


It was Abby's very first recital - and our piano teacher let her play in it even though she's my student. She did "We Three Kings" very well!!

And now, I leave you, with Joe's art. And a question (or two...). What's your favorite Christmas song, and why is that your favorite? (To play, sing, hear... it doesn't matter!)
Come back again soon!
Handel's Messiah is my favorite. Because it shows worship of God at it's best. I imagine Handel’s Messiah being song in the great Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. The dome could fit the statue of Liberty under it so you can imagine the great sound of worship the Church could produce. I have never been to the Hagia Sophia, but from what I see of it in history it was some Church.
Here is a site that plays the Hallelujah Chorus
These pictures are nice to look at because the people in them look natural and open-hearted, not posed. This blog is uplifting. I'm glad I found it.
I have been enjoying your blog.
I agree with you all! I really enjoy reading your blog! And one song I like is (I think it's called?) "Baby its cold outside" Why? Well its not a christian song but I love how the guys sings and the girl sings back! For christian songs I'd say "Silent night"! If the person knows how to sing it, its so pretty!
Your sister in Christ
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