Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Farm Question #9

Hello, everyone! Oh, my!! It's been a while since I posted a Farm Question!!
But first (as usual...) here's the answer to Farm Question #8!!
What were barn lofts originally used for?
I'm going to use part of the article that DJ found as my answer... "Most barns have a gable roof. Lofts were originally used for storing hay... the sheltered area under the overhanging loft provided space for storing equipment and animals." The answer is... barn lofts were originally (and still are...) used for hay! Most barn lofts are still used for hay today, because it provides a great shelter from the weather and other outside animals can't get to it.
Farm Question #9
Do cows like apples?
You can post your answer as a comment to this post, or email the family with it. Thanks for playing the Farm Questions - have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

The apple sounds like it does more trouble for the cow then good. It is probably batter to let the cow eat grass and the human eat the apple.


Roberta said...

Cows adore apples. At least, ours does.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it all depends
on the cow, if they individually like
apples or not.