Monday, February 9, 2009

The Great Travels of the Blue Clip Part #5

Hello, everyone!!
I think it's high time our mascot, the blue clip, came back to visit the blog along with his friend, the yellow clip! The last time they were seen was in Wisconsin, I think. (you can veiw more photos of the clip by clicking on the link "Clip Art" under "Blog Categories" on the sidebar.) So, I took a few pictures of the clips around the farm. Here they are!!
Sitting on the latch on one of the barn's doors.

Hanging on the edge of Daisy's pen. (The background is the rest of the little barn.)

Perched on the top of Clover's milking stanchion.


Anonymous said...

Horrah for the return of the "Blue Clip" and his friend the "Yellow Clip"!!!

Hope you are having a wonderful week!


David G. and Family said...

Those colors blue and yellow are special in our family, because they are the colors of the Ukraine flag. The blue represents the sky and the yellow represents the wheat fields. Ukraine is the Egypt of Eastern Europe, very furtel. My dad's family came from the Ukraine. Our great grand dad fought in the Ukraine Resistance Army in the Russian Civil War in the 1920s. We are very proud of him.


Anonymous said...

That's neat, DJ! I didn't know that. Maybe your family should have a blue and yellow clip?

David G. and Family said...

Happy Birth day Abby from the G family! What are you going to do for your birth day?