Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Rope Rescue Technician!

Finally, the ALERT blog posted some pictures!!! And guess who's in them? Out of six pictures, Joe's in FOUR of them!!! =) So here they are. I'll also copy here what the ALERT blog said about what they're doing in these pics. =)
"ALERT Unit 41 began Emergency Response Training with a week of High Angle training. This course is designed to give men the confidence and skills they need to operate safely and effectively while performing rope rescues. Many men learn to overcome or work through their fear of heights while learning to serve in this environment. Many skills are practiced on the 40′ training tower located on ALERT campus. Responders gain experience in rappelling, ascending, patient packaging, and basket management while performing scenarios. Faced with increasingly challenging scenarios, young men must control their own movements, stabilize victims who may be in distress, and transport them safely to an extraction point.Those assigned to running the main and belay lines must plan ahead and manage their systems well to allow the rescuer to successfully assist the patient. Completing the course with a final scenario and written test, the men completed High Angle Rescue course and emerge as new Rope Rescue Technicians. While building many new skills, High Angle is also one the most enjoyable classes for many in ERT."

Well, hello to you, too, Joe!!! =)

Joe. Second from the left of this picture.

Joe (in the middle).

Annnnnd.... Joe! On the left.

1 comment:

David G. and Family said...

Wow, the training looks neat. I will continue to pray for Joe. That is neat that they integrate God and basic training PT.