Friday, October 30, 2009

Aren't these colors amazing?!

They're so beautiful.


Anna Andalasia said...

I am not a family member or a friend, but I found your blog by way of a comment on another blog, and thought you might be interested in an event I am hosting. It is called "14 Days of Thankfulness." You can find more information on my blog, Untraveled Path ( More specifically, you can read about it on this page:

I hope you will join me in celebrating Thanksgiving by counting the blessings God has given!

If you personally cannot participate, I would appreciate it if you would spread the word about the event!

If not, that's fine too. Just throwing it out there. =)

~Anna Johnson

David G. and Family said...

Beautiful color leaves. We are going to use our leaves for natural fertilizer for the garden. Is that what you do with your leaves?

David (DJ)

Hannah said...

Yep, that's what we do with our leaves, too!!