Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

I think it's high time one of us lazy bloggers gets with it and presents you all with a worthwhile post or two!! Here I am, at your service. Our post today is about our recent... well, not really recent... holiday activities.

The day after Thanksgiving, we went to get our Christmas tree! We got it early this year, since Dad was going on a business trip and Joe was going on a singing tour to Washington DC (more, yesssssss, much more on that later! Pictures included!). And we wanted to include them in a part of the holiday tradition of tree decorating! (by the way, they're home now... have been for about a week.)

Well, aren't we making a short story... er... long? Yes. So I'll stop. The point is we got are Christmas tree and here are some pictures of it. End of story. :D
♥ - Hannah
and the rest of the folks, as usual, of course


David G. and Family said...

Sounds like you are having a great Christmas.

Was that ALERT that Joe sang with in D.C.? Where did he preform? I wish we could of gone up and seen him. We live only two or three hours south.

Merry Christmas,

David (DJ)

Hannah said...

Yep, it was the ALERT Men's Chorus! Oh, I wish we'd remembered to tell you all!! That would have been great. They sang at several of the momuments in the city, the Lincoln Memorial, and in the Captial Rotunda. There's a video on you tube of them singing somewhere in Tennesee, I think. I'll try to find that and post it.