Sarah drew a pirate face on a watermelon one afternoon... possibly after watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean...

And I guess Roberta fell in love with him!

In which Sarah also thinks the watermelon is something else...

In which Roberta turns violent and demands vengeance for her lost lover (sounds like something out of Shakespeare!)
p.s. we did eat him in the end.
1 comment:
Awww, what did the poor watermelon do? You should challenge him to a duel!
You know, wooden handles on knives has been shown to hold lots of bacteria! (and plastic handles are slippery and sometimes fall apart)
For kitchen cutlery, CUTCO knives are the best I've seen and used.
For most other kinds of knives, Cold Steel is a good company to check out.
Well, enough about that.
By the way, you may not remember me just yet...a certain Maximillian who lived in Guam years ago...
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