Sunday, September 19, 2010

Church Softball

Here they are - softball pictures long overdue and I'm so sorry!! I didn't realize how late until I looked down at the date the pictures were taken on. August 8?! As they say... "Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana." Okay, that was lame. Sorry.
*sheepish grin*

Much love!

Our church gets together once in a while for sports. Though we have a small church, we've all got plenty of family and friends to bring to our games, which makes for a lot of fun - as well as a lot of good, plain "who are you related to, again?" questions.

Oh, and some of us are better than others at certain sports... ahem, ahem. Hence the practice, practice, practice thing comes into play again.

And everyone, from the grandparents down to the littles, loves a good game of softball!

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