Hundreds of little tiny lights. The tangy taste of peppermint. Sharp pine needles and soft snowflakes. Familiar Christmas songs. Laughter. The rustle of wrapping paper and the giggles that always accompany a whisper or two. This is Christmas.

And for many people, that's all Christmas is. A bunch of family traditions, a hectic shopping trip or two, a whirlwind of a white Christmas, a tangle of ribbon and tape. In this crazy world, it's a rare person who stops to think about why we're doing this. Why we try share joy this time of year. Why we can go around with smiles on our faces. Why can some people have peace in the middle of an "over-commercialized" holiday season? They don't know.
It's not solely in the light of the Christmas tree that I find peace. It isn't just the Christmas music. It's not in the decorations that my family pulls out year after year that I see the reason.
It's in a manger.

It's in the joy of giving of myself, like God did two thousand years ago, when the greatest Gift was given. He gave us a Savior - the most precious gift ever. No one could give any more than God did - His only Son - or any more than His Son gave for us. His life.
Like the Wise Men who came to honor the birth of our Savior, it's time we gave our whole lives to Christ - surrendered our entire hearts to Him. It's the highest thing on His Christmas wish list. He wants us to return to Him - to the one who made us and gives us the gift our every breath. Every day is a gift. Every smile. Every precious moment.

He gave it all to us because He loves us. No one can take that away from us. No one can make Him stop loving us - stop caring, trying, knocking on the door of our hearts. The true "magic" of Christmas is revealed when we stop and listen to Him. When we quit worrying about the presents or the traditions. When we turn our gaze away from whatever this crazy world is doing to make this important holiday season "politically correct."
When we return to the most humblest of beginnings we find nothing but a manger in a stable. The Child. A cold night in Bethlehem. A chorus of angels, a beautiful star. A virgin and a carpenter. Several emotional, enthusiastic shepherds. A weary donkey.
In other words... we find the greatest Gift ever. The most truly awesome thing ever done for all of us was a Baby. "The Son of the Most High." Jesus.
It's love.
Merry Christmas!!!!
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