Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Well Problems... No More!

Yes! I'm sure you're all very glad to hear that we don not have any problems with the wells (yes, it's plural, I didn't know there were two!)! Between the two of them we're going to be able to get 15 gallons per minute! Plus the creek out front and the seasonal creek along the Southern side of the property line. Thanks for all your prayers...we should be able to close within ten days!!! That means moving in within two weeks, hopefully by next weekend. (Not this weekend, the next) Hope to update y'all soon from our very own computer! (and you all know what that means...our very own house!)
Love Ya!
Hannah on behalf of all the P family.
(P.S. Pictures to follow)


RyanDE said...

Yay! I'm so glad for you guys! God answers prayers. Keep us posted on the latest news.

See ya,
Ryan : )

Nate E said...

Praise the Lord! Glad to hear things are working out so well


You can have one for the garden and the other for the house. :-)