Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Moving In

Well, here I am again, during a break in the hectic day of moving! The movers didn't actually get here until yesterday instead of Monday. They couldn't fit a 53ft semi truck into our driveway, so they have to shuttle everything from a nearby deserted parking lot on a smaller U-Haul truck. It takes a little bit longer that way, but we're doing great! Yesterday, Adam, (the driver) had four men with him to unload. Two were only working that day, and two were supposed to show up again at 7:30 this morning. They never came! Adam is using Joe to help him unload and carry the things from his truck. We're actually doing really well! I am working with the papers,. Every box is numbered with a specific tag and number, so as Joe and Adam unload, they call out the numbers and I mark them off on a sheet. Personally, I think it's easier than unloading a truck (the boys) unpacking (Dad) directing "traffic" that goes into the house (Mom) and painting dressers (Roberta and Sarah), but Abby's job beats them all! Running around doing whatever you want, playing with your newly discovered toys, puppies, kitties, and just generally having fun!

Well, I hope you all have a great day. We're going to, I hope! Keep praying for us as we finish the moving and start getting settled!

Bye for right now,


Anonymous said...

sorry, Joe, I accidentally posted under your name again. It's too much like the family's!!!

His Princess said...

hey guys!

nice blog! do you like your new place?
