1) Two new mouser cats for the barns and sheds. Shani and Stuart. (Stuart is a 12-week-old kitten!)
2) Two seven week old 99.5% border collies and .5% blue heeler puppies, Rocky and Chip. They're adorable, and they're acting exactly like puppies. Chewing, fighting, biting, wrestling, you name it!
3) Painting the rooms in the house, in addition to the machine shop, which was an ugly peach-orange-y pink! Yuck!
4) Sanding floors, sweeping barns, organizing woodsheds, leveling hilly pastures, weeding, cutting lawns, moving rocks, and re-doing the creek are just a few examples of our normal day. Well, we don't do all that in one day, just a few of those things! Here's some pics to help explain our situation.
Abby, rejoicing that our house is going to be ours!
The Fire that was near our Kettle Falls Campground. Thankfully, it was farther away than it looks!
Farmer Dave and his new tractor. Abby, also helped out.
Hey, nice wheels! That tractor looks a lot like one some friends of ours own. Except yours is in much better condition.
Dave looks like he belongs on that tractor, and with his daughter on his lap. She will always remember the moment! Actually Dave, I kinda smiled when I saw the picture. Your really doing well in the transformation from Military to Civillian life.
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