Hi, everyone! So here we are again, with more fall weather and falling leaves, and more pictures of it! You know, alot of the things I've said before are becoming even more so, now. Like on September 13, I noticed that under a picture of the dogs I wrote, "Growing dogs. They're so heavy now it's hard to carry them to their kennel at night!" You don't know how true that statement is! They're way to heavy now for us girls to carry, good thing they know how to walk to the kennel without problems! Sorry, Nate, I can't get those cats and dogs to sit still long enough for a comparison, but I'll keep trying! Here's some pictures of raking leaves, growing dogs, and setting suns.

The Boys. That's their official name now, they even come when you call, "Boys!"

Our only deciduous tree in the front yard, (It's the one on the far right) is shedding it's summer coat. I'm grateful, now, that there's only one!

Roberta and I with our baby cat, Zoe, on the day we raked five bags full of leaves.

Sarah and Zoe. You would not believe how much Zoe screams when you throw her into the leaf pile! Stuart doesn't mind.

The midday sun peeks through the leaves on our tree.
1 comment:
Hey! Updates! How are you guys doing? Those cats and dogs are growing up. I like cats the best ; ). I'll catch ya later!
See ya,
Ryan : )
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