On October 15, 2007, Monday morning, at about 3:00 in the morning, our parakeet, Princess, died of a severe birdie illness. We don't know what it was, she's been going downhill since earlier this year, and we found her on the bottom of the cage, "asleep" on Monday morning, after a racket in the cage at 3:00. We supposed it to be when she was dying, and the other birds were making a fuss. She was always a favorite with them, and the most beautiful, quiet, and neat bird we've ever had. We buried her in the corner of the top Field,on Monday afternoon, and I took these pictures from then. Angel, Duchess, and Buddy, are very sad, and miss her. They're debating who should take over leadership of the cage, as she was the "queen".
Mom says goodbye to Princess before we bury the "coffin".
Joe filling the the hole that we buried her in, as Abby looks on. It's marked by a huge stone.

Princess, in the days of her youth, July of 2006.
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