Saturday, January 26, 2008
Some Fun! You betcha!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Two Crazy Girls On Ice
The Amazing and Wonderful ... Sarah!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Haying Time. Sort Of.
Roberta and Dad, hard at work.
It may not appear to be, but hay is really heavy!
That's all for now. Have a great week, everyone!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Cow, A Cat, and Some Craziness
The first milking! The cow was dirty from her ride, so we washed her down in the barn where it was warm. Her legs are still kinda dirty in this picture - I think this is actually a picture of Mom cleaning her... but we can imagine...
A Cat (a boring title, I know, but what else do you call it?)
Out here, sometimes we see eagles. A deer died in our neighbor's field, so they're flying back and forth all day long. Finally, this one sat still long enough to have his picture taken.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Just Another Note....
Her original name was Mystical - but Mrs. Wolf, the ranch owner we bought her from, said people in her family took turns naming the cows - and to puhleeeezzee rename her. So we did!
Roberta, Joe, and Mom went down to the Jersey ranch a few days ago, and Roberta took the camera along. So here's some pictures of the ranch- I don't think she got any of our cow, but we'll have a million shortly.... if I can get a hold on the camera...
This actually is a Jersey- they come in dark brown, too, just like this one. Clover is the typical doe-colored one.
Hello, Calf!
Making friends with the goat....
That's all for now! Just in case you were wondering, no, we're not country hick now - many of the folks around here have cows, and this is not a abnormality. We'd love if you could come and pay us a visit! You can even milk our cow. We're thinking about having a blueberry-bush-planting-party this spring - do you want to help? :-)
Hugs ~ Hannah
Friday, January 11, 2008
A Post About Nothing
Sorry I haven't published in a long time! There's not really much going on here. I'm hoping I can get out and take some pictures of our ice-skating pond soon, so I can post something interesting. We've got a rather large frozen puddle in our lower field, so we skate on it sometimes. Right now, it's actually melting, since it's only 38 degrees. Too bad! Well, just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here. Have a great day!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Our New Year's Eve Celebration
Fireworks! (That's the best picture - the others would NOT come out! This roman candle was my best shot!)
We burned the flag that had flown over our house in Newport, RI, and here, this summer.