Men, if you ever get bored on a sub-zero day, go and rent a 40 pound, gasoline-powered, diamond-bladed, concrete saw, and spend 3 hours on your knees, in an enclosed space, breathing carbon monoxide and concrete dust, listening to 120 decibel 2-stroke engine noise, whilst cutting slices into your patio! You can't beat it. The only way it could be more fun would be doing it underwater, or on fire! Now I didn't do this just to "have some fun". It was necessitated by the frost heave of the concrete floor which had caused our basement door threshold to lift up and impinge the operation of the door. Continued heaving may have possibly spread and cracked the house foundation, and we wouldn't want that to happen, dontcha know!
Yikes... Glad to see that you were wearing hearing protection and a respirator... Stay safe!
Dave G+
Warm greetings to you and yours, big Dave ~
Ha hah! that was a swell description of the work at hand and I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks be to God that He's established the work of our hands, that He watches over us every day & night. Take care now, matey...
The LORD JESUS CHRIST be magnified!
With love, Billy
Matthew 19:19b [KJV]
"The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied." Psalm 37:18-19 [KJV]
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