Monday, January 14, 2008


Believe it or not - (and you probably won't believe it...) we've got a cow! She's a full-blooded, registered Jersey, and Abby named her Clover. She arrived just about twenty minutes ago, and is too skiddish and nervous right now to have her picture taken. I'm going up there tomorrow as soon as I can to get a photo of her. She's really pretty - a typical Jersey! And, in addition, she's pregnant! We're praying for a heifer (female) cow, so we can alternate milking one and having one pregnant so we can sell the calves as they come along. A bull would be good, too - for meat!

Her original name was Mystical - but Mrs. Wolf, the ranch owner we bought her from, said people in her family took turns naming the cows - and to puhleeeezzee rename her. So we did!

Roberta, Joe, and Mom went down to the Jersey ranch a few days ago, and Roberta took the camera along. So here's some pictures of the ranch- I don't think she got any of our cow, but we'll have a million shortly.... if I can get a hold on the camera...

The Jerseys at the Ranch

This actually is a Jersey- they come in dark brown, too, just like this one. Clover is the typical doe-colored one.

Hello, Calf!

ALL animals LOVE Mom!

Making friends with the goat....

That's all for now! Just in case you were wondering, no, we're not country hick now - many of the folks around here have cows, and this is not a abnormality. We'd love if you could come and pay us a visit! You can even milk our cow. We're thinking about having a blueberry-bush-planting-party this spring - do you want to help? :-)

Hugs ~ Hannah


RyanDE said...

Hey Pittlekows! A cow? No kidding! I'd love to attend your blueberry bush planting extravaganza. Only problem is we have a busy spring ahead of us. Let me know the date!

See ya,
Ryan : )

The P Family said...

Huh-it's probably about mid-May.. :-)