Thursday, March 13, 2008


Well - a very interesting event took place at our farm yesterday (March 12) And it happened this way;
On the way home from the orthodontist in town, Joe and Sarah decide to stop by the barn and take a look at Clover - check up on her. As they drive past - Joe sees Clover licking something on the floor of the barn.
They stop and Joe says, "What's that? It looks like a dog!" It did, too.
Immediately after, Sarah realizes what "it" is and screams - "It's a calf!" Sure enough - it was.
Dad, Joe and Sarah did most of the working while I took pictures, ran to and from the house. Mom was away in town (and was mad that Clover had her calf the one day out of the entire week that she was gone). But, thankfully - so far, at least - all is turning out for the better. Here's some pics - hope you all enjoy!!!
Daisy Mae and Clover



David G. and Family said...

WOW!! How neat. Are you guys registered at "Calves-R-Us"? :)

Mr. G

Anonymous said...

LOL! (a.k.a. Colville Feed Store!)

Farming Family said...

Hey what a farm your first calf. What a beautiful thing when you see it all in action. God bless you and the blueberries.