Hello, Farm Question fans and other blog readers!
Here I am with Farm Question #5, plus the answer to Farm Question #4. First, as usual, comes the answer to Farm Question #4!
Farm Question #4 was...
Does a female bovine (girl, milk cow) have horns?
Answer: Yes!! Most all bovines have horns, both males and females. Generally, nowadays, the females are de-horned, because who wants to have a mean ol' cow with l-o-n-g horns staring at them while they try to milk? Uh-uh! Some farmers will also de-horn their bulls, because it makes them a little less dangerous... if you know what I mean! Some species of commercial bovine have been bred in recent years so that they will not grow horns (don't ask me how they did that!). And there are some rare breeds that never did have horns at all.
Are you ready for Farm Question #5?! Okay! Here it comes.
You have to harvest every last thing (berries, fruits, roots, vegetables, and herbs) out of your garden before frost.
True or False?
Okay, so once you have the answer, either post a comment to this post or email the family with "Blog::FQ#5::11-11-08" in the subject line. Have fun!
Happy Veterans Day, by the way! :-)
Your faithful farm questioner,
1 comment:
Leviticus 23:22
And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God.
The answer is False.
Remember, because Boaz left some wheat in his field Ruth was able to
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