Hello, everyone!
Here I am with some pictures of the first snow (a very exciting event!) Unfortunately, all I have is "art"... because there's a very round-about way of posting to this blog. You see, our family PC won't let me sign in to blogger (I get the old "cannot find server" deal) and so I have to use Dad's laptop. Problem is, all my pictures are on the family PC! So I have to take each picture and email it to our hotmail, so I can save the picture to Dad's folders, so I can post here... ugh! I'm sorry that it takes me so long!! I will have some action shots of the first snow stuff as soon as I can. :-)
Thanks for your patience, and in the meanwhile, enjoy these art photos!
Your photographer,

Come back again soon!! Have a wonderful day!
Oh yes, I sure do remember those stunning bushes in Newport! We have one of those in our yard and I often think of you girls when I see it......especially of that bike ride we took that really cold fall day out to Brenton Point and on the way back into Fort Adams you, Berta and I stopped to pick up the gorgeous leaves that had fallen off those bushes! Here we call the it a "Burning Bush" but not sure if that is the correct name?
Love, Lindsay
GREAT fence post picture!
I replaced my map of Solomon Islands, where I'm going on a class trip in May, w/ the fence post.
Greetings to your family and Welcome Home to Joe!
Chaplain G+
Lindsay, I still have those leaves! I pressed them, and they turned a even darker red. They are a wonderful reminder of the "Newport days" and you to!!
Love, Berta
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