Thursday, July 15, 2010

Aha, there they are. Those are Adam and Aleah. Practically family. =) And as cute as can be! Don't tell Adam I said that.

Aha. Those are mine. Joe and Sarah - you never know what they're up to!

And you all know who this is.


David G. and Family said...

Looks like fun!

Sandie said...

That was SOOO much fun!! Even though I had a cold...=)

RyanDE said...

Hey all,

I sent an e-mail to Joe but I'm not sure if he got it. I may not have the right e-mail address but I want to make sure. Could you ask him if he got it? Thanks a ton! Looks like you guys are having a blast out there! Hopefully we'll be able to swing by if we're in the area sometime.

See ya,