Friday, November 11, 2011

Eleven Times Six

Did you notice? Today at 11:11 and 11 seconds, you could write the date and time backwards and it would be the exact same as forwards. 11-11-11, 11:11:11. Just one of those weird, super cool things that will never happen again in my lifetime - or yours.

At least... it's not likely. I mean... if you're planning on living until 2111...

Happy Friday, friends!!

ps.... plllllease pardon the blog neglect. I THOUGHT I had arranged for someone to keep this thing alive while I was at college.... SARAH?!?!?



Allix Ruby said...

yay! :D a Westward, Ho! post...yeah, uh...Sarah, no offense but the blog ball has totally been dropped, what's up with that?? ;) hehe jk :D

Maximillian said...

Not good, Sarah, not good. Tsk, tsk, tsk. ;)
Anyway, what have Joe and Roberta been up? I've been sadly out of touch with your family's blog (I've been hardly keeping up with any blogs recently, partly because I don't have Internet access at home other than on my iPhone, which only has a 2GB data plan)... :~\