Sunday, March 6, 2011

February Quotables!

Time for more quotables!! February, though it is the shortest month, was a very productive one. We hope this bit of genuine P family humor brings a smile to your face! =)
Hannah: Okay, so why is George Washington called the Father of our Country?
Abby: Washington, D.C.?
H: No, that’s the city they named after him. Why did they call him the Father of our Country?
A: *pause*
H: What did he do to make us call him that?
A: Uhhhh
H: C’mon, Abby, you know!! Why do we call him the Father of our Country?
A: *wailing* Because he was such a good surveyor?!

Hannah: Okay, now we’re looking up stuff in the dictionary.
Abby: (blank look)
H: You… do… know how to look things up in the dictionary, don’t you?
A: Of course. What do you think I am, a delinquent?

Hannah: (wailing) Ooohhhh If life were simpler, Roberta, EVERYTHING would be SO MUCH… (quietly) simpler.

Hannah: You’d better go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.
Sarah: Well, now that’s a profound statement. ‘Tomorrow is another day.’ That’s a gem. Yes, tomorrow is another day. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow and tomorrow.

Sarah: Hannah’s head is there, but everything in it is… gone.

Sarah: Hey, Mom, can we get John (our parakeet) a friend?
Hannah: What in the world would he want a friend for? He has his mirror. And he’s perfectly content with that.
S: He’s a lonely bird!
H: He is NOT lonely. Trust me.
S: Hannah, I know a heartbroken man when I see one.

Abby: Hannah, you want a mini Baby Ruth?
Hannah: Sure. (Abby tosses Hannah the candy)
Sarah: Hey, can I have one?
A: Awww… there’s only one left, and I was saving that up for myself!
H: C’mon, Abbs… give it to her.
(Abby reluctantly tosses candy to Sarah)
H: Now you’ve learned a lesson, Abbs. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust does corrupt… and your sisters take all of your chocolate. By force.”

Hannah: I posted another bunch of quotables on the blog.
Sarah: Good, let me read ‘em!
H: Hey, I just noticed that you have most of the punch lines.
S: That’s cuz I’m the funniest!

Hannah: You know what? I wouldn’t have made a very good child actor. But that’s probably because I would have been a child actress.

Hannah: (cruising through town rapidly approaches a railroad track, looks both ways, and comments just before heading over the tracks…) Are there any trains coming? No? Good!
A few seconds later…
Sarah: I… think it would have been too late if there was one.
H: Naww
S: You didn’t even slow down!
H: I coulda stopped in that short a distance! You want to see?
S: NO, thank you. Well, maybe you could have stopped, but it would have been a pitiful waste of rubber.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

big *SMILE* as usual! Thanks for sharing some of your funny moments latetly!

I'm enjoying this monthly dose of P family humor! :) Keep it up!!!!


Sandie said...

You forgot to say that I sang that line about your head to the song from Gigi. That makes it even better! :)

Roberta said...

Um...not happy about the chocolate stealing going on. Did you guys really make her hand over her last bar of candy? That was downright low. :)

Hannah said...

No, really. It may have been the last in her hand... but truly it wasn't the last, last, last. =)

Joe said...

Why do we seem to be communicating with ourselves on the blog.....we live in the same house for crying out loud! ;-)

Sandie said...

haha! we're good at communicating over the internet! and how come we (the owners of the blog) leave the most comments?!

Joe said...

"and how come we (the owners of the blog) leave the most comments?!"

That is what I meant....Sarauh!!!

Roberta said...

Sure am glad Mom was in the car with Hannah and Sarah...