Tuesday, August 9, 2011

25 Years

So SOME of ya'll (not all of ya'll because only some of ya'll have good memories, obviously...) knew that Mom and Dad celebrated their wedding anniversary recently!! These pictures are SERIOUSLY overdue, my friends. But I thought ya'll might enjoy seeing some pictures of their celebration!!

Oops, how did that get in here?

As you can see, this is NOT this year's celebration. But twenty-five years ago.... yep, those were my cute, just-married parents.

And they're still cute. Despite the fact that they aren't really "just married..." sometimes they can still act like it. haha!

Abby didn't think Dad was smiling "big enough."

Hey, everyone!!

Oh, and those two strangers next to Sarah? Those are my aunt and uncle... the very ones that were there twenty five years ago when Mom and Dad said "I do." Awesome, yes?

1 comment:

Allix Ruby said...

Now, ain't that just precious ;D