So, people... here it is! Another round of quotables *just* for you! We've cooked up some really good ones lately. Without further ado... as they always say.
Why do they ALWAYS say that?
Why do they ALWAYS say that?
(Hannah and Sarah are playing a duet on the piano…)
Sarah: Don't play it so fast!
Hannah: It's a Viennese waltz!
S: Well - I'm not a Viennese player.
Joe: He has glasses, but he usually wears contacts, so you can’t tell.
Sarah: Yeah. He looks pretty good in contacts.
(Hannah is wearing a brown hat in a verrrrrry English-looking way…)
Hannah: Look, now I'm ready to go to the Ascot. Only they wear black and white.
Sarah: Yes… you’re the Ascot in sepia!
Sarah: Hey, why don't tattoos disappear?
Hannah: *pause* Is this a joke?
(Abby is hanging upside down off the edge of the couch and Hannah's in another chair, reading…)
Abby: Hannah, did you know, you're really pretty?
Hannah: Aw, thank you Abby!!
A: Even from upside down.
H: Well, I guess I'll just have to walk on my head all the time so people can see how pretty I really am!
A: Oh, don't worry - you're pretty right side up, too.
H: Thank you. That's very comforting.
Hannah: Abby, wash those rollerskates with soap and water, please?
Roberta: But then they'll get wet!
Mom: It seems I am the only one who remembers to take the chickens their slops.
Sarah: *weakly* Well.... isn't that something?
(Watching Valkyrie…)
Sarah: Look at all those Nazi flags!! Is that really necessary?!
Hannah: Isn't there something we can do to that LOUD rooster?
Sarah: Yeah. We can shoot him...
Hannah: You want a soda?
Sarah: No, I'm having Arizona sweet tea. Soda’s bad for you.... What kind of soda do we have?
Joe: Did those guys just slide down a wall??
Sarah: Yeah, Flynn is indelible.
Sarah: Don't your older children amaze you, Mom? *long pause – no answer* I guess not.
Mom: *reading* "... The British soldiers were coming nearer to the area in which the Indians..."
Roberta: Wait, where are they?
Hannah: The area.

1 comment:
HaHaHa! After spending a week with ya'll, those were even funnier....I can so hear each of you saying those things! *big smile*
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