So, people... here it is! Another round of quotables *just* for you! We've cooked up some really good ones lately. Without further ado... as they always say.
Why do they ALWAYS say that?
(Hannah and Sarah are playing a duet on the piano…)
Sarah: Don't play it so fast!
Hannah: It's a Viennese waltz!
S: Well - I'm not a Viennese player.
Joe: He has glasses, but he usually wears contacts, so you can’t tell.
Sarah: Yeah. He looks pretty good in contacts.
(Hannah is wearing a brown hat in a verrrrrry English-looking way…)
Hannah: Look, now I'm ready to go to the Ascot. Only they wear black and white.
Sarah: Yes… you’re the Ascot in sepia!
Sarah: Hey, why don't tattoos disappear?
Hannah: *pause* Is this a joke?
(Abby is hanging upside down off the edge of the couch and Hannah's in another chair, reading…)
Abby: Hannah, did you know, you're really pretty?
Hannah: Aw, thank you Abby!!
A: Even from upside down.
H: Well, I guess I'll just have to walk on my head all the time so people can see how pretty I really am!
A: Oh, don't worry - you're pretty right side up, too.
H: Thank you. That's very comforting.
Hannah: Abby, wash those rollerskates with soap and water, please?
Roberta: But then they'll get wet!
Mom: It seems I am the only one who remembers to take the chickens their slops.
Sarah: *weakly* Well.... isn't that something?
Sarah: Look at all those Nazi flags!! Is that really necessary?!
Hannah: Isn't there something we can do to that LOUD rooster?
Sarah: Yeah. We can shoot him...
Hannah: You want a soda?
Sarah: No, I'm having Arizona sweet tea. Soda’s bad for you.... What kind of soda do we have?
Joe: Did those guys just slide down a wall??
Sarah: Yeah, Flynn is indelible.
Sarah: Don't your older children amaze you, Mom? *long pause – no answer* I guess not.
Mom: *reading* "... The British soldiers were coming nearer to the area in which the Indians..."
Roberta: Wait,
where are they?
Hannah: The area.