Saturday, January 26, 2008

Some Fun! You betcha!

Men, if you ever get bored on a sub-zero day, go and rent a 40 pound, gasoline-powered, diamond-bladed, concrete saw, and spend 3 hours on your knees, in an enclosed space, breathing carbon monoxide and concrete dust, listening to 120 decibel 2-stroke engine noise, whilst cutting slices into your patio! You can't beat it. The only way it could be more fun would be doing it underwater, or on fire! Now I didn't do this just to "have some fun". It was necessitated by the frost heave of the concrete floor which had caused our basement door threshold to lift up and impinge the operation of the door. Continued heaving may have possibly spread and cracked the house foundation, and we wouldn't want that to happen, dontcha know!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hello ya'll! I decided to take some pictures of the puppies and cats. So enjoy!
Zoe "couldn't" come down from the rafters. She was sitting there meowing.

Zoe getting a "massage" from Roberta.

I took this picture when we went up to milk Clover. The sky was gorgeous - pink, purple, and blue! It looks better in real life.

Winter art

Little cutie pie!

Roberta, and Lady playing.

Roberta, Lady, Hannah, and Billy.

Stuart and Zoe

Roberta loving Zoe.

That's all for now. Have a great week! Bye! ~ Sarah

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Two Crazy Girls On Ice

Well, if you know me (which you do...) you'd know that I take lots of pictures! (- so true!) So, when Sarah and I went skating on our famous puddle today, I had to take the camera... you know, it's like if you give two girls a camera... and this is what turned out...

Did you see that?

The Amazing and Wonderful ... Sarah!!!


Sarah inspects the wonders of modern technology.

Very nice!

Oooh! Doesn't she look professional?

Did you enjoy the pictures? .... Good!

Come back later. Maybe there will be a more serious post about something that's really going on around here.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Haying Time. Sort Of.

This week, we got Clover her hay. We had a few bales, but she'll need more to go the winter. Getting hay is a big job, and the whole family gets involved! It's not like the real haying you hear about in the books - tons of people haying, a picnic dinner, and a barn dance - Joe and Dad drove down to get it and us girls helped stack and lift and load... my, what a workout! But, at least you can say, it's good, healthy, family time! *laugh* Hope ya'll enjoy the pics - I had to put down the camera soon after I got out to work! :-)
(another boring title. But what ELSE do you call something but what it is? Besides, she's a really cute cow!)

Roberta and Dad, hard at work.

It may not appear to be, but hay is really heavy!

Up, Up, Up!

Hay, there!

Stuart, affectionately nicknamed - Stew Cat (from The Cay [ever read it? it's a great book])

Mopar, the Engall's cat. We're cat-sitting him. And, surprise, surprise, he LOVES Dad and Joe. (Well, his house has six men in it...) But, you cannot deny, I am his favorite person. Don't know why! He's seemed to have adopted me... At least he's good-natured! Here's a trivia question - what (or who) was (or is) Mopar? It was a car parts manufacturer. Get it? Mo-Par, Motor - Parts? They didn't name him, he came to them named. Weird name for a cat - Dad calls him Whiskers!

That's all for now. Have a great week, everyone!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Cow, A Cat, and Some Craziness

Well, hello, again, everyone! Hope ya'll are doing well - we are. We've had done lots of...interesting things this past week. Milking a cow was part of them. Enjoy the pictures, and have a great week!
For the rest of the family, it's as usual,
The first milk, which came from....

The first milking! The cow was dirty from her ride, so we washed her down in the barn where it was warm. Her legs are still kinda dirty in this picture - I think this is actually a picture of Mom cleaning her... but we can imagine...

A Cat (a boring title, I know, but what else do you call it?)

Out here, sometimes we see eagles. A deer died in our neighbor's field, so they're flying back and forth all day long. Finally, this one sat still long enough to have his picture taken.

An amazing specimen of God's Creation - and a very blurry photo.

Yesterday, Sarah and I had lots of fun sledding together! I took some pictures (mostly just goofy ones)!

What's that?

Take a break


That's all for now. Check back later for more updates!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just Another Note....

We've been really busy lately - please forgive the fact that I haven't posted anything "real" since the beginning of the month! There's not much to take pictures of - just getting hay organized, back to school, shoveling snow, building things for cows, taking care of chickens, mending fences...normal everyday stuff that's not too interesting to look at! Take a look at the post below, however - you may find it amusing! Have a great week, everyone!


Believe it or not - (and you probably won't believe it...) we've got a cow! She's a full-blooded, registered Jersey, and Abby named her Clover. She arrived just about twenty minutes ago, and is too skiddish and nervous right now to have her picture taken. I'm going up there tomorrow as soon as I can to get a photo of her. She's really pretty - a typical Jersey! And, in addition, she's pregnant! We're praying for a heifer (female) cow, so we can alternate milking one and having one pregnant so we can sell the calves as they come along. A bull would be good, too - for meat!

Her original name was Mystical - but Mrs. Wolf, the ranch owner we bought her from, said people in her family took turns naming the cows - and to puhleeeezzee rename her. So we did!

Roberta, Joe, and Mom went down to the Jersey ranch a few days ago, and Roberta took the camera along. So here's some pictures of the ranch- I don't think she got any of our cow, but we'll have a million shortly.... if I can get a hold on the camera...

The Jerseys at the Ranch

This actually is a Jersey- they come in dark brown, too, just like this one. Clover is the typical doe-colored one.

Hello, Calf!

ALL animals LOVE Mom!

Making friends with the goat....

That's all for now! Just in case you were wondering, no, we're not country hick now - many of the folks around here have cows, and this is not a abnormality. We'd love if you could come and pay us a visit! You can even milk our cow. We're thinking about having a blueberry-bush-planting-party this spring - do you want to help? :-)

Hugs ~ Hannah

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Post About Nothing

Hello, Everyone!
Sorry I haven't published in a long time! There's not really much going on here. I'm hoping I can get out and take some pictures of our ice-skating pond soon, so I can post something interesting. We've got a rather large frozen puddle in our lower field, so we skate on it sometimes. Right now, it's actually melting, since it's only 38 degrees. Too bad! Well, just wanted to let everyone know that we are still here. Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Our New Year's Eve Celebration

Hello, Everyone! Hope y'all had a fantabulistic celebration of 2008! We sure did. We always burn our Christmas tree in a big bonfire on New Year's Eve night - it was a really dry one this year so it burned really well! I took some pictures, but I preferred to enjoy some of the festivities this time instead of being an annoying photographer - still I got some good ones! Have a blessed year, everyone!

My Art

Fireworks! (That's the best picture - the others would NOT come out! This roman candle was my best shot!)

The Lighting

We burned the flag that had flown over our house in Newport, RI, and here, this summer.

Joe, Sarah and I stayed up till midnight and watched Flywheel down in Joe's room so we wouldn't keep anyone else awake.