Sunday, April 26, 2009

On the Lake Shore

This afternoon, we went over to the shore of Lake Roosevelt for a little while. (Lake Roosevelt is a lake on the Columbia River.) I could say we went to a "beach," but it's not a really a "beach," as we know it!! Sure, it has sand and rocks and water... but where are the seagulls, salt, and waves? (Can you tell? We miss the ocean!) We had a lot of fun, and here are some pictures to prove it!! Hope you have a great day!

The interesting, steep banks.
Looking down!


Walk on the "beach..."

Hey, Cutie!
Pebbles and rocks.


Anyone who knows me knows how I enjoy my flipflops!!

"Fishing." Ü

Resting, Roberta?

Beautiful, isn't it?
Playing in the sand.
Looks like a sunglasses advertisement!!
Buried!!! (well... halfway, anyway!)

And I shall close with this picture of footprints in the sand. Adieu!

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Broken Bridge

One morning, we woke up and found our bridge broken!! (Well... okay, it didn't go exactly like that.) But the point is it happened when no one was on it and the damage wasn't all that serious or disastrous.
One of the supports (see picture below) had broken off and fallen into the creek. So we took all the boards of the top (Dad and Joe did, that is) and pulled all the poles off. We then got all the dirt removed from the edges around the banks and replaced all the poles. (Not serious damage, you said?!) Thankfully, we're almost done now... We'll be putting the boards back on top again soon!

The broken support.

Nice new poles!

Is it level?

Joe at work.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Joe's Twenty!!

On April 19, Joe turned 20!! I guess he's an old man now. I really am just kidding!! Ü Two whole decades! Somehow that seems older than "twenty..." We love you, Joe!
Birthday Art.

Little camera girl.

I know it's a bad picture, but it's a really cool little light that Joe got as a present. (no, it's not really that bright in real life... just taken in a low light that makes it seem brighter... and makes the picture worse...)

No, it is NOT supposed to be a hat... Okay, maybe you can save the "old man" title till next year... seems to be a little kidding around going on here.


We hope you'll visit again soon, because... next we'll have photos and updates on bridge repairs, ;-o gardening, and the other adventures of everyday farm life.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


We are having gorgeous weather - absolutely gorgeous. It's wonderful to be out in the sunshine all the time without a jacket or even a sweater!! It does get a little cooler in the evenings. There are a few pictures up on my blog of Sarah out in the beautiful sunshine, so if you want to see them, just click on the picture below!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Dad and Joe had some... (let me see if I can get this right...) extraction training on Saturday. (they are volunteer firefighters.) They practiced cutting open wrecked cars, etc. Don't worry - they were already wrecked to begin with!! Dad and Joe have all the details, but I have a few pictures, because we came to watch for a little while.

The boys are in the yellow helmets - Dad is on the left, and Joe is on the right.

The group.

When the boys came over to the parking lot for lunch, I snapped a few pictures of Dad (unbeknownst to him!!)

Black and White portrait art. My favorite!

Like my "specs"?

Hannah and Abby invite you back to the blog as soon as you can come! Have a nice week!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Change of Address

Hello, all!
I've changed the address of my photography blog, and I thought I should let you all know. If you put my blog on your favorites menu, you'll have to go and re-save it with the new address. If you are following it, you'll have to change the address by adding the new address to your list of followed blogs on your dashboard. The new address is...
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Here at Last

I think I can safely say that spring is finally here! Of course, that doesn't mean we'll be having nice weather with 70+ temperatures, sun every day, and a nice, warm breeze - it simply means that the earth is starting to wake up after a rather long sleep. Here are a few pictures of things... I will explain as we go along. Enjoy!!

Clover seedlings! (in the pasture)
The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.
~Bern Williams


A true sign of spring.

Around the Farm

All our animals, of course, love the warm(er) weather!!

Barn art. (Looking straight up from the floor of the barn along the far wall.)

Sleepy Seal.

A classic picture.
That's all for now, but ya'all come back again!! We love to have visits from you!

Monday, April 6, 2009

A New Chevy

Just for all of you that didn't know... Joe bought a truck!! It's a beautiful 1992 Chevrolet diesel pickup and it's great!! We all love it (don't worry, he loves it, too). You can get the details and stuff from him. Here are a few pictures. I'll have to get him to be in some soon!

There it is!


Friday, April 3, 2009

Return of the Snow

Believe it or not, it actually snowed again!! Spring is very much like that here in Northeast WA - snowing one minute, 58 degrees the next! (okay, maybe not one minute...) Here are a few pictures that I took of it. It looks pretty bad and like it'll stay for a few days, but it was actually a very light, fluffy snow and was pretty much gone by evening. Enjoy!

“The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow.
Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.”
Author Unknown

“There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very hollows in snow. It is the still ecstasy of nature, wherein every spray, every blade of grass, every spire of reed, every intricacy of twig, is clad with radiance.”
William Sharp