Monday, February 28, 2011


Tomorrow, Roberta will officially turn 19! But since certain people would have to miss out on her big day, we decided to give her a surprise party... early. Really early. Or else she'd get suspicious!

So when Roberta drove me (Hannah) into work last Monday, Mom, Sarah, and Abby got busy on the house. They whipped up an entire birthday celebration in just under two hours! Fabulous work, people!
Aha... I spy birthday napkins! hehe!
Annndddd... I also spy a beautiful birthday girl!! =)
And we also had some cute party-goers!

Daddy decided to goof off... :-z

I guess that same goofiness runs in the family!! haha!!

Presents! How lovely...

Happy birthday, Berta! We all love you!! =)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Birthdays are For

February 16th was birthday day around here!
Birthdays are for parties...

Reflections in balloons...

And orange soda.

Birthdays are for cute little girls.

Who are turning NINE years old!

Birthdays are for big smiles...

Creative (and yummy) cakes...

And, of course, presents!!

Birthday leftovers. =)

Some of us hate having our picture taken... hate it to the fullest extent!

Birthdays are for special dinners at "cowgirl restaraunts..." especially for little cowgirls.

For fun times out with your sisters...

And parents...

Birthdays are for cute photographers... (HA!)

...And hugs from big brothers.

Typical sibling interaction!

Hey, that's a camera, Sarah! Let's smile!

Okay, that's better. Now they'll want to come back and visit our lovely blog again! =)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hitting the Slopes

Otherwise entitled "Look Out Beloooooowwwww!!!"

Well, people, it's that time of year. Skiing Whooooopp! And snowboarding for those of us who think they are too cool for skiing. =)
Mom, Joe, Sarah, and I (Hannah) had ourselves a blast cutting up our local ski hill. If I wanted to make you all jealous I could say that we live 20 minutes away from skiing and that we also know all the special half-price days...
They say you learn something new every day, you know, and so I have learned that I was not born to be an Olympic skier. Cutting up the beginnger and intermediate slopes was begining to look easy... until I decided to let Sarah (the crazy good snowboarder) drag me up the advanced hill. Hmmm... you don't need to know the rest. All I can say is I'm very thankful that I didn't break my (or anyone else's) skeleton in any place!!
Okay, so here are the pictures. And please pardon the quality... they were all taken on a variety of cell phones and iPods. =)
You can't really tell from this picture, but it was a simply awesome day for skiing!! It wasn't cloudy enough to be dark, not sunny enough to give you snow blindness, not windy enough to give you windburn, and just a tiny bit of snow was falling. It was pefect!!

Joe's art from the lift.

I didn't know my Mom could ski like... good!

And Joe made it down the face of the mountain in 9 minutes!

And... I stole Sarah's iTouch!
Hannah: Sarah, why didn't you tell me that my ski goggles were on sideways?!
Sarah: Were they on sideways?
(Hannah shows Sarah the picture as proof)
Sarah: Oh. Well, I thought you were making a fashion statement.

This was totally posed, people... don't worry. It's not a fall, though she normally does look pretty graceful during her accidents.

We three crazy kids...

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness."

Miss Awesomeness gets tired after a long day of skiing.

Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

To All You Football Fans...

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

So... who are you rooting for?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


High time for another round of quotables! Hope we can make you laugh with our original, genuine, authentic P family humor!! =)

Hannah: Wow, your mandolin rang when I said that.
Sarah: Yeah. My mandolin’s very musical.

Joe: Is Jane Fairfax the villain?
Hannah: No, she’s the brunette.

Mom: So, Abby, have you got a happy heart now?
Abby: (grumpily) Yes.
M: Okay, let me see your cheerful smile!
A: (quietly) Yes ma’am.
*issues weak smile*
M: What kind of a smile is that? Try again. Say “Yes ma’am!” and smile!
A: (through gritted teeth) I can’t smile and TALK!

Sarah: But the main character! What’s the point of that?
Roberta: Well, sometimes main characters do die, you know. Sometimes that’s the whole story.
S: Well, my main character isn’t getting killed off. He’s as healthy as a cucumber.

Abby: Hey, Mom, can I tell you a joke?
Mom: Sure.
A: Okay, so if you’re in a room with no windows or doors and no way to get out, with a mirror and a table, what do you do?
M: Uhhh
A: (triumphantly) You look in the mirror, see what you saw, cut the table in half, and climb out the hole!!
All of us: *total silence*
A: Don’t you get it?!
Joe: (slowly) I think what you mean is… you look in the mirror… see what you saw…
Sarah: Pick up the saw, cut the table in half, put the two halves together…
A: (once again triumphant) And climb out the whole!!

Abby: Mom, you know that thing that you put around your arm so you can tell how fast your heart is going?
Mom: Oh, you mean the blood pressure cuff.
A: Yeah, well, Mom, let me tell you how fast my thumps are going.

Sarah: I don’t want to leave home just yet. You know I don’t like being alone. God said “it is not good for man to be alone,” but He didn’t say anything about Sarah.

Dad (“helping” Roberta in the kitchen): Okay, now what do I do?
Roberta: Well, you can hand me that measuring cup.
D: Okay, now what do I do?
R: Now you can get me the flour.
D: Okay, now what do I do?
R: Okay, so now you get out of the way!

Sarah (coming out of the theater after watching Tangled): Hannah, did you see, did you see? Flynn has brown eyes!! (*dreamily*) My kind of hero…

Abby: *breathless* Where did you get that? Why are you wearing my shirt?
Hannah: What?! This isn’t your shirt!
A: (deflates) Oh. It…. Isn’t….?
Seconds later…
A: Sarah, whose shirt is she wearing, mine or yours?
H: Why are you asking her? Why are you so concerned about my wardrobe?
S: Umm… that’s hers. Yours is different.
A: (shouting) HERS?!
S: Yeah, Mom got her one in California too.
A: (incredulously) Mom, you got HER a RED SHIRT?
H: (throws her hands in the air) Am I not capable of owning a red shirt?!