Saturday, September 26, 2009

Little Miss

Are you ready for a surprise? Good. Though to some of you, this is no surprise, since you got in on this earlier...

We had a calf!!!
Actually, that's not true. Clover had a calf. Anyway... it was a little heifer (which adds to the blessing - since heifers are worth a deal more than bulls... sorry boys, that's the way cows are.)

She has yet to be named, but we're narrowing in on a few. We'll let you know of any developments! ;) Okay, I think you're ready for me to quit babbling and let you see some pictures of our little princess, so here they are!

Proud Mama! Sorry about the "green eyes.." I guess that's the equivalent of people "red eye..." it's the product of flash.

Wonderment in the eyes of a cat.

Little farmer!

I... am... soooooo.... t.i.r.e.d... good night, people... *snore* *snore*

Watchful eyes.

She already LOVES people!

Like, whoa - where am I and, totally, what I am doing here? ;) Just kidding. She's got an excellent and highly refined vocabulary.

All right, now for those of you who wish to hear the story in full, here it is.
Around 8:00, Friday morning, us kids left for our music lessons (an hour and a half drive from our house, two hours of lessons, and then an hour and a half back...). We were at lessons when Mom called around nine thirty (I believe) and told us Clover had had a little heifer just five minutes ago!! She had also called Dad, who was not in town at the time.

The little cutie was a tiny spitfire, and was running and eating and kicking even at a few hours old. She and Clover get along famously, and Clover lets her nurse like a good cow should (she didn't take too well to Daisy, her last calf, in March two years ago.)

Both mom and baby are doing well and loving a total life of leisure. =) We thank God for his blessings!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Nothing You Can Do

This is SO strange - you've just got to try it! I don't know how it works... just do it, you'll know what I mean. =)

Funny how God made us to work, isn't it?!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Galveston Island

Not to be confused with Gilligan's Island (Ü), Galveston Island, Texas, was hit by a hurricane... sometime in the recent past!! The ALERT men went down to help clean up and fix up homes and churches. Here are a few pictures of their trip.

Palm trees! I miss palm trees. :(

Ready to go to work!

The Texas flag. =)
The road to the island.

Welcome to Galveston!!

Their first assignment was to fix up this church building, which had been waterlogged by the storm. I think that's what he said, anyway. ;)

Joe on the ladder.

Joe, hard at work.

The men all signed their names (or nicknames!) and unit numbers to this board. You can click on the picture to see it larger.

Patching up the cracks.

Clouds on fire! There was a gorgeous sunset.


The very large, very orange moon.

The next day, Joe and a small team of ERT men went to a home on the island to help fix it up. (Unfortunately, this meant that they didn't get to see the church all finished, as another team came in to do the painting!)

Work zone. =)

Working in comfort, I presume! :)

And that's pretty much the extent of their excitement in Galveston... Except that Galveston was where Joe got the staph infection. But we'll skip over that part... =) Next up are pictures from the much-looked-forward-to event of ERT - the dive trip to Miami!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Garden Report!

Hey, there! I thought some of you city slickers (just kidding!!) would enjoy some pictures of our country garden. =) So here they are! Have a great day!

Squash jungle... literally.

Cosmos are so pretty!!!


A green tomato... which means it's not ripe... but you knew that.

Raspberries - my fav!

Red onions.

Yellow Onions. (duh...)

We got three five-gallon buckets of potatoes! ;)

These are our "lovebird squash." I guess they grey together! And the funniest thing is...

We got two pairs!

Lots of squash...

13 gallons of green beans!! (and that's only one morning's harvest...)

Pickles! Yum...

It's us - seven P's in a pod! =)

Art... totally. :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Return

Thought ya'all would be glad to know -

Joe's home!!

He got back on Sunday afternoon (I'm sorry it's taken me this long to post, but, hey! It was Labor Day and I got the day off!!). We're SO glad to have him back!! There will be more ALERT pics soon, I assure you, and I'm getting up a post about what our life has been like these days.

Have a good one!