Thursday, July 24, 2008

Visits, Cherries, Excursions, and Showers

Hello, everyone!
During the time period that I did not post, so much happened that I didn't get a chance to take care of the promised pictures of improvements around the property. However, I do think that there will be time enough! This week, we have in pictures visits from friends, cherry picking, Mom and Dad's Excellent Excursion, and a bridal shower.
Hope you enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful week!
~ Hannah
We will open this post with a picture of the great explorer, Noah, whose family came over to visit at our house after church last week.

What is going on underneath that cowboy hat?

Disgruntled, Luke?

Tuesday, last week, was time for cherry-picking! Our great friends showed us where the best cherries are, so we went picking with them. Of course, that afternoon was cherry canning. And picking and canning is a lot to do in one day!

In our pre-picking hyper-activity and excitement, Aleah and I decided that it was time for a photo war!

Roberta reaches for just the right one.

Picking. And who is that - eating a cherry down there on the bottom of the picture? :-)

Lots of cherries!


The cherry-pitting station.
_What a mess!

Stemming, sorting, washing, de-leafing, etc.

Finished and ready for freezing!

Mom and Dad - ready to go on their "Excellent Excursion" (so named by Dad) in celebration of their wedding anniversary. Which was on July 19th. They drove up to Canada, toured a little bit there, and came back the the good old U.S. to spend the night in a bed and breakfast.

Hi, Dad!

Mom, in Canada.

Beautiful... Lake-that-I-do-not-know-the-name-of.

Dad on the ferry.

Nice to be back home!

Lady Roberta prepares to go to the bridal shower of our friend Andrew's fiance, Celeste.


Believe it or not - a picture of me. A rare thing on this blog!

Lots of yummies!

What a lovely dress!

The center of attention.

Wonder what she's thinking...

The party.

Aleah and Sarah.


Little Artist

The ladies talk.

My Mother

"Jesus, Touch My Heart" A'capella from some talented friends of ours. Beautiful!

Playing a game.

A bunch of girls!

Tea, anyone?



And I leave you with this lovely picture of Esther and the goat, for that's it for now (and a long post it was, too!). Come back and visit us again sometime!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

This Week in Pictures

Hi, everyone!!
And how are you doing? Not too much new stuff this week... I did get some of it in photos for you all. I hope you have a great week and enjoy looking at the pictures!! Get ready for next week - I'll be all over the farm "collecting" pictures of all the improvements we've been making here this summer.... so watch out... :-)

Yesterday, Aleah came to visit after she and I played at a fiddle workshop. She loved holding Roberta's rabbits! I think this is a picture of her and Sarah's rabbit, though - Honey.

Rabbit fans.

"Fairy hands" ... or "Sarah plays the piano", if you want to be practical.

Art 1 - Butterfly on the lilac tree.

Art 2 - I have no idea what type of rose this is!

Art 3 - "Heavenly Pinks" - though I think they should be called Heavenly whites, they do have a slight pinkish appearance in real life!

Sarah's first art gets published! She's taking after her older sister in photography... wait - that means she gets to have my camera sometimes!! :-)

The Great Queen Phoebe. The Great Sleepy Queen Phoebe...

Seal! What happened to you? (Don't worry, she's just hot!)

Ah - the art of milking.


Well, that's all for now, folks! Come back and visit again soon!