Saturday, February 20, 2010

Too Early!

Take a look at this, will you...

Don't let my fantastic macro skills fool you - the grass is only about one and a half inches tall. (just kidding about the fantastic part!) Seriously, though -it's been so warm on this side of the country that some of the grass on the southern exposures has begun to come up! In February? Oh, well! It's going to be hot this summer!!

I don't think I posted any pictures of Millie since she was born in September!! She's gotten so big and cute since then!

And curious, too. Camera-eating and all that.

And I will finish up with a cool shot (or at least I thought it was cool) of genuine cowgirl leather. =) Hope you have a happy Sunday!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Life...

...of a high school senior. Oh, for the good old days when school was done at 10:00 in the morning, and I could practice all my piano songs in 20 minutes flat, and I wasn't trying to start a photography business! Seriously, though, I love my life. God is good, and life is fun! Graduating is very exciting for me, too!! I can't wait, if you can't tell. Maybe I'll hire a substitute blogger... in case you didn't know, there are other people in this family who know how to use a computer!!!!
(read - *hint,* *hint*)

So I'm sorry about the lack of blogging going on around here. You will all be relieved to hear that my camera is back from repairs and I'm going to start clicking that shutter button soon to show you all some interesting things around here! By the way, Abby had a birthday on February 16th, and I got a few pics of that. Look for them in the near future!

Till then, enjoy life. Have a great Friday!


Is it supposed to be winter around here? February?
I thought so.
The thermometer says 48 degrees. Whatever.