Friday, October 30, 2009

So Random

Well, hello to all of you! I know it's been a long while since I've posted anything about our doings here at home. But here are some of the latest pictures... some are three weeks old, some from yesterday. You'll figure it out... they go in chronological order. So enjoy... have a great day... see you later!

The sunlight through these cornstalks was absolutely breathtaking. I managed to capture something about the mood... but you can't really get the whole effect unless you see it "live." =)

Abby and I did a photoshoot in the leaves... check out my blog for more shots from that day.


Aren't these colors amazing?!

They're so beautiful.

Shay (And His Reflection)

Our adorable little cat, Shay, was in the house yesterday, when he spotted his reflection in a mirror Sarah and I got for our room. We had yet to put it on the wall, so it was sitting propped up on the closet door. Having never seen his reflection before, Shay stopped to investigate...

"Well, do you know what that is?"

"I can't smell anything..."

Finally deciding that he "smelled a rat," he looked behind the mirror. Upon discovering that his reflection buddy was only one-dimensional, he left off his friend-making.

First Snow!!!

We got our first snow yesterday!! The first snow never sticks around, though, and it had melted by the afternoon. I don't exactly know how much there was... just a very light dusting. =)

This is what happens when you leave leaves on a white metal chair in your yard and forget to remove them before it rains and snows all over them! When you finally do remove them, they've left a outline that looks like it's been drawn in charcoal. It's really pretty... but I don't know if it'll come off!!

Probably the very last green thing in the garden.

Here's a pic of all the firewood we've been gathering over the last few weeks. =)

Bare branches.

Sure looks rather dreary... =) But now it's all melted! So everything is back to brown again... at least till the next snow! Till then, so long!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ERT Arkansas Rappelling Expedition

Okay, the second-to-last installment of Joe's ALERT Pictures!! (Whew, aren't you glad? This has been dragging on forever...) I know. Well, what are you going to do? He had thousands of pictures to sift through!! (okay, seriously... not thousands...)
But these pics are from the AK Rappelling Trip towards the end of ERT. Arkansas is beautiful country, and I do think the men had a wonderful time. =) At least, that's what the report is. ;) So enjoy the pics... and have a blessed Sunday!!

Don't ask me to do the part of the man on the stretcher... I seriously don't think I could hold still quite long enough. =)

Getting ready!!

Joe and his buddy.

Joe! (no kidding...)

The lovely... um... lovely.... valley of which I forget the name...

Well, that's all for now folks. Until next time!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ERT Miami Dive Trip

And I just realized that I posted all of these in reverse order... oh, well... just forget it... anyway...

These are the pictures from the ALERT ERT dive trip to Miami, FL! Unfortunately, I think this was back in August... so these are a little late. But I hope you enjoy the pics all the same! It'll give you an idea of what Joe was doing down there.

He didn't get to dive too much on this trip because of the staph infection he had on his knee. But he did get to dive for few days towards the end of the trip, which he really enjoyed!!

My Aunt and Uncle, who live about an hour north of Miami (I think..) drove down one Saturday and took Joe sightseeing! I believe this is Miami beach... "no kidding," right? What else would it be? :D
Strolling along...

This lovely sunset picture ought to be at the END of this post.. oh, well, it doesn't really matter, does it?

The canal they dove in.. THANKFULLY, they saw no gators. :-) (thanks, God!!!)

Dive buddies!

One, two, three...

Go! Or... shall we say... Gone!

Here's some advice... don't mess around with him!! Looks fierce.
A Floridian horse. Hmmm, that's one thing you don't ever think about very much. Horses in Florida? Well, I guess they have them! Wonder if they like the heat...
Palms... aren't they graceful? That's why I like palm trees.

For the interest of all you history bugs out there... =) This was on this airplane below. Cool, isn't it? To add to it's coolness, it was dedicated on March 4, 1994... exactly one year after I was born!!

Isn't it a neat plane? I'd like to fly one! Unfortunately, besides the fact that I'm not totally serious... my eyesight isn't good enough... oh, well. I'd rather be a music teacher, anyway! :)

Practice in the pool.

Along for the ride...

You don't see this too often! Nope, only in FL.

I wish I could recall the name of the boat... anyway... here's Joe by the boat that I can't recall the name of. =)

And that's all for now, ya'all!! I'm sorry they're so sadly overdue... :( I'll try to put up the rest of the ALERT pics soon, and we'll be all done with that! =) Ready to move on...