Monday, September 27, 2010

Fair Weekend 2010

Another sadly overdue set of pictures - fair weekend! The Northeast Washington Fair is among the biggest evens in the area. My mom and sister and I had the opportunity to volunteer again this year, which was pretty awesome. This year I didn't do performing arts, which meant that we didn't have to be at the fair all weekend long! (though I'm not denying I actually enjoyed performing...)

Here in Stevens County, we have a variety of exhibits - from baking, canning, photography, and quilting to chickens, cows, horses, and even tractors! You name it, you can probably show it in our fair. =)

I don't want to sound vain, but that's my picture! Judge's Choice... *shy grin*

The dairy barn has the cutest calves ever!! I wanted to steal this Jersey girl and take her home with me... even though I'm not all that partial to cows to begin with!!

And even our fair queen shows cows. In her tiara. How awesome is that?

The little kids with their prizes - so cute and so proud of themselves!!
And, for the third year running, Sarah has brought home the Grand Champion ribbon for her egg entry! Way to go, sis!!

What's a Steven's County event without horses?

This little one was so stinkin' cute - she knew I was taking picture of her and another girl warming up, and so every time she went by, she'd smile and wave. She knew what she was doing - because I submitted this picture to the newspaper and they published it!!

Another Stevens County tradition - the Engell Family! Aleah and Adam came up with a new trick - two kids on one fiddle. They were awesome!!

What's a P family adventure without ice cream?!

And they all lived happily ever after....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our Latest Addition

Hello everyone!!~
I thought it was about time I let ya'll know that I (Sarah) got a horse!! I got her June 30th so I've had her for quite a while. Here are some pictures of her - they aren't the best so I will be posting some better ones later. =)
Have a great day!
I found this somewhere and I thought it was kind of cute. It's called "Ten Requests from Your Horse."
1. I wish to be with you all the days of my life. Separation from you is painful for me.
2. Give me time to understand what you wish from me. I love you, please be patient. I am trying my best.
3. Trust in me as I trust in you.
4. Don't be angry with me, I love you and need you. You are all I have.
5. Talk with me; tell me your dreams and hopes. I want to be there as they come true. I will never leave you.
6. Treat me with respect so I can honor you.
7. I am so sensitive; a small fly can upset me so! Please never strike me. I am here to serve you. I love you.
8. If I act out of character, please try to find out if something is hurting me or if I have a reason. I am never "bad" without good reason.
9. Take care of me when I am old, you have been my life. I will need you more as aches and pains begin.
10. Be with me as I take my last journey. Please be brave and strong for me as I was for you in my youth. Allow me my dignity. Hold my head and tell me of the wondrous place I will go to await you. I love you and I will wait for you. When your time finally comes...I would be honored to carry you into Heaven my trusted friend.
- Your Horse
A little bit about her:
Name: Flame
Age: 8 years
Breed: Quarter Horse

The view of her from the side. She is a little more filled out and healthy looking now.

Haltering her. I'm not quite sure why I am smiling... =)

She looks all mad here but she really isn't. I'm just having her back up fast.

Me and her. I don't look so good because I had just gotten over the stomach flu. Sorry! I hope to get a better picture and her and me soon. =)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Church Softball

Here they are - softball pictures long overdue and I'm so sorry!! I didn't realize how late until I looked down at the date the pictures were taken on. August 8?! As they say... "Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana." Okay, that was lame. Sorry.
*sheepish grin*

Much love!

Our church gets together once in a while for sports. Though we have a small church, we've all got plenty of family and friends to bring to our games, which makes for a lot of fun - as well as a lot of good, plain "who are you related to, again?" questions.

Oh, and some of us are better than others at certain sports... ahem, ahem. Hence the practice, practice, practice thing comes into play again.

And everyone, from the grandparents down to the littles, loves a good game of softball!

Yes, some of us do wear flipflops to play softball. Meaning myself. =)

(however, I did see Sarah out there with no shoes on at all...)

Two outfielders who didn't mind having their picture taken...

And we played until the sun set - then we lived happily ever after. =) With very few minor injuries...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Steve McQueen

Everyone remain calm...we are posting twice in one week!
Don't faint. Please.

So, Sarah and I wanted a new WWII movie to watch. So she bought this...

and fell deeply in like with Steve McQueen's acting. Sarah will still say to herself every once in a while, rather spasmodically, "Cooler, Hilts." A word of caution; only watch this film if you are cool with all the people you are desperately rooting for getting gunned down.

Sarah was...not.

Then we watched this as a family...

and were thrilled to see 'Hilts' on the screen again. He did look a bit odd with all the cowboy clothes and the revolver at first, but ditto with Yul Brynner, who we will always remember as the King of Siam. Again, same caution as beforehand. Even so, I liked this one even better than The Great Escape, but I have a soft spot for cowboy films. Which is why I picked this off the self last time we were in the library...

and if not our sins, than at least our choices caught up with us the other night, as revealed by this dialogue between the girls.

Abby: (for some reason, attempts to swat Sarah with a book)
Hannah: (in a monotone to rival that of Yul Brynner's 'get outta my way, dude' voice) Quit that, ya' hear me?
Sarah: Thank you, Hannah. (glares at Abby)
H: I think we have been watching too much Steve McQueen.
S: Yeah, he is always doing things like know, just in the nick of time.
H: Yeah. (profound pause) I was just waiting for the nick.

Enough said.

(This post is by Roberta...see the sidebar. One of those is "that's me". I have not posted since we moved here. I did some of the posting on the move out here, but last time was November of 2007. I blog...oh, about, like every three years. Well, you all have a good day running out to find Steve McQueen movies, and if you liked this story, you can always hope that I post again in 2013!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

7 x 13 = 28?

So you all were a little bored with today's post... as I did just copy and paste from my blog. =) Here's something to keep you occupied till next time!! And make sure to check out the video below, too.

Who's on First?

Roberta and Hannah in Nebraska

Re-posted from Hannah's blog. =) Yes, if you follow my blog, you'll be reading the same things over and over. If you wish.
This will be a looonnnng post. Just so you know. =) But it sure was one fun, fun, fun week! Filled with giggles, pictures, girl fun, adventures, bible reading, music, pink, chick flicks, and late nights. And chocolate!!
I met Lindsay five years ago, when both our families lived in Newport, Rhode Island. Lindsay is totally fun, kind, gracious, and oh-so-sweet. Little 12-year-old me was just fascinated by big, grown-up Lindsay. Who was only two years older than me. =) In the five years I've known her, that wonderful friendship has only grown better!! Her family came to see us last summer, and, since we'd all had so much fun, Lindsay invited me and my older sister, Roberta, out to see her this summer.
Not much changed between last summer and a few weeks ago. I grew up a little, in between being barely 16 to 17 and a half. =) Just a little, though. I'm pretty much as tall as Lindsay - and a good two inches taller than Roberta! (okay, fine. an inch and a half.) But our friendship has stayed the same - only more fabulous, if that were possible! I came home afterwards, and there's no denying that I was saying, "That was one of the most fun weeks I've ever had!"
The K family and my family are practically related now that we've shared all those great moments... as well as goofy moments... embarrassing moments... bad hair moments... But you know what? I think that made it SO much more real! It's one thing to email and write someone for four years. It takes your friendship to a whole new level when they let you share their life for a week! So that week really was the "funnest" ever. I loved the whole thing. Thank you so much for the awesome time, Lindsay!! I love you so much!!

Lindsay and Roberta were the ones that got me hooked on big sunglasses in the first place. Evidenced by this picture.

We went looking/shopping at Village Pointe, a lovely little kind-of outdoor mall, if you will. We did actually buy a few things...

Yeah, I know that I'm posting a picture of the gorgeous flowers. No, I'm not crazy, I'm just a photographer.

One evening we went to "Jazz on the Green," a lovely concert given in a small park downtown. A really nice guy sitting behind us saw me trying to set up the camera on our cooler (since I neglected my tripod and left it stranded in Washington), and offered to take our picture. Needless to say, I was relieved. The cooler thing wouldn't have worked, anyway.

Izze and flipflops... how much better can you get? =)

Pink toes on the green lawn - it's a good thing that this city is pretty populated with photographers and artists. Otherwise I would have gotten some strange looks like I get at home. ~

Even big girls like the zoo! =) And Omaha's is really cool.