Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving! We sure did. =) Here are some pictures from our celebration. I think I managed to post a shot of everyone except Dad... but I'm sure he wont mind, since I'm mentioning him in the first post anyway. :D

So without further ado... (Why does everyone always say "without further ado"? What if I want to make "further ado"!? Is it illegal or something?)... ANYWAY... here are the pictures!

♥ ~ Hannah and the rest of the gang.

Joe, the gravy master!

Why do you want my picture, dear?

Little helper!

I am caught setting the table! Ahhh!!
We must give credit where credit is due... photo by Sarah. ☺

Making cranberry sauce!
Abby and Mom.

Okay, almost good, but Abby needs to open her eyes a bit wider....

Uh, huh. Now Sarah needs to open her eyes a bit wider...


Photo compliments of Joe. :D
Our guest and Abby filling their plates.
Photo by Joe. :D

Photo taken by Joe... but with my camera! :-)
Mom's butter art. If you can't read it, you need glasses. AHEM! What I meant to say was... it says "Thanks."


In which one sister give me due attention and the other does not.

Mom and Sarah.

Someone please tell me how no matter much you worry about your pecan pie... no matter how often you check on it... no matter how much you hope and pray it will turn out all right... it never ever ever comes out looking like those gourmet creations in Martha Stewart and Country Living?!
(even if you use the same recipe!!)

And of course, the classic must-have... pumpkin pie!!

And that's all, peoples! I hope you had an enjoyable, blessed Thanksgiving Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you all have an excellent day of enjoying good food, spending time with friends and family, and remembering all that God has done for you!!! =)

the P family

Saturday, November 14, 2009

14 Days of Thankfulness

In celebration of Thanksgiving this year, the author of "Untraveled Path" is hosting a blogging challenge on Thankfulness. This year I'm too busy to do all fourteen days... but I may join in the challenge in about a week. You can read all about it here. It's simply this - one post every 14 days (or so) on what you are grateful for! (read the official guidelines on her blog). Even though this started two days ago, she says you are welcome to join in. I hope you have a great time!

"Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!"
Pslam 31:19, kjv

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Memory Loss

This is a real funny clip of Barney Fife "remembering" the preamble to the Constitution. Just in case you need a laugh!!

Originally on youtube, found via Grand Adventure III