Monday, December 24, 2007

Fun With Our Friends

On Sunday after church, Mom and Dad invited the some of our friends over for the evening. They called and said they would come at 6:30. All us kids were so excited. We were a little worried, because there are 7 of them, our house is rather small, and it's winter time so we couldn't sit outside... but we fit just fine. We made up cookies, cheese, grapes etc. and they brought popcorn.

Then, in the middle of this all, Dad and Joe's volunteer firefighter pager went off!! Grroooaaann. Of course they took off, and we sat there and listened to them call the dispatcher, "Engine 52 responding with 2 on board." Then the call was canceled, someone from the fire station got there first, and said there was no need for anyone else to come, so the boys came home.

Here is Caleb, the cat wrangler, holding Zoe. Zoe let him do anything he wanted to her without even a squeak. He says a real way to test a cat's trust is to hold them on you lap, laying them on their back, slide you hands under your legs, then move your knees apart. The cat will fall, into your hands. Zoe completely fell for it.

Luke picked Stuart up, then crossed his (the cat's) paws and ankles. Stuart just sat there, so I ran to get the camera and take a picture.

Here's Caleb, with Zoe in a headlock. This is a candid shot, and I have no idea why Sarah is pointing and making that face.

Aleah, loving Stuart to death.

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