Saturday, June 14, 2008

Talk about a classic picture...

Farm Art

Up there?!

Today (Saturday, June 14th) we went to a "rodeo weekend parade" in Colville. What's that? Oh, maybe you'll just have to visit one Father's Day weekend in the future and see for yourself. Okay, okay, I'll tell you - Colville is really big into the out west thing, so there's this rodeo in town every year in June on Father's Day weekend. To prove how big into the out west thing they are, the rodeo lasts for three days and there's parades and cookouts and stuff beforehand. Cool, huh? We've even got friends in the parade - it's so fun to live in a small"ish" town...

Here is an ambulance from the Sheriff's Ambulance Service. Joe works for them. But wait a minute! That is the old ambulance - from the 19-somethings. Hang on a second...

That! That is much more like it.

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