Saturday, September 26, 2009

Little Miss

Are you ready for a surprise? Good. Though to some of you, this is no surprise, since you got in on this earlier...

We had a calf!!!
Actually, that's not true. Clover had a calf. Anyway... it was a little heifer (which adds to the blessing - since heifers are worth a deal more than bulls... sorry boys, that's the way cows are.)

She has yet to be named, but we're narrowing in on a few. We'll let you know of any developments! ;) Okay, I think you're ready for me to quit babbling and let you see some pictures of our little princess, so here they are!

Proud Mama! Sorry about the "green eyes.." I guess that's the equivalent of people "red eye..." it's the product of flash.

Wonderment in the eyes of a cat.

Little farmer!

I... am... soooooo.... t.i.r.e.d... good night, people... *snore* *snore*

Watchful eyes.

She already LOVES people!

Like, whoa - where am I and, totally, what I am doing here? ;) Just kidding. She's got an excellent and highly refined vocabulary.

All right, now for those of you who wish to hear the story in full, here it is.
Around 8:00, Friday morning, us kids left for our music lessons (an hour and a half drive from our house, two hours of lessons, and then an hour and a half back...). We were at lessons when Mom called around nine thirty (I believe) and told us Clover had had a little heifer just five minutes ago!! She had also called Dad, who was not in town at the time.

The little cutie was a tiny spitfire, and was running and eating and kicking even at a few hours old. She and Clover get along famously, and Clover lets her nurse like a good cow should (she didn't take too well to Daisy, her last calf, in March two years ago.)

Both mom and baby are doing well and loving a total life of leisure. =) We thank God for his blessings!


David G. and Family said...
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David G. and Family said...

Wow, what a blessing of new life.

David (DJ)

Anonymous said...

How sweet. Cute PIctures too!!! I love Jersey babies.