Monday, January 25, 2010


Wow, I think this is the longest I've ever gone without posting!! Disgraceful. I'm really sorry, everyone!!!

I got my wisdom teeth pulled on January 8th, then I was down for a few days, then I was trying to catch up in school as well as prepare for a possible bluegrass performance... yikes! I've been busy!
My camera is currently away being serviced, but I hope I can delight you with a few pictures taken before it got mailed away. Enjoy, and have a great day!


David G. and Family said...

You do sound busy. Are you still working on chemistry in school?
Regarding chemistry, the Byzantine had a great invention called Greek Fire they used it in defence and offence. Greek Fire could burn on water.Hope your performance goes well.

David (DJ)

Anonymous said...

Nope, this year it's physics. I finished chemistry last year... and I'm rather glad I did! I'm afraid I didn't like it very much. I'm not a science person!! =)

That's neat about the Greek Fire. I wonder how they came up with that!