Monday, May 24, 2010

Hannah & Josh's Wedding

As most of you, no doubt, already know... I photographed a wedding in April! I had so much fun, and the experience was absolutely amazing. Here are just a few pictures to give you an idea... there are more pictures along with more of the story up on this post on my blog. It was absolutely fantastic being able to shoot with the super-talented Paige Elizabeth! Thanks, girl!

Cheerio, ya'll!

The girls getting ready.

At the ceremony.

Signing the marriage covenant.

Our family goes to church with Hannah's... so that's how we met up. She was a perfect bride and looked gorgeous all day long. =)

Thanks for everything, you two!


Moriah said...

How sweet!! I love the one when they are signing the marriage covenant!

Of A Knight And Fair maidens said...

Beautiful! Where's a picture of the cake???;)