Tuesday, January 15, 2013


WHOA. It's been forever. As Sarah's been overheard saying, we're feeling "as lazy as the guy who invented the Japanese flag."
You have our apologies. And you have our new round of quotables.
HAPPY 2013!

Hannah: That’s your speciality.
Sarah: I’ve only made it once.
Hannah: Then why do I think of you every time I think of chicken spaghetti?

Abby: Hannah. I've been up for FIVE hours. I have a right to be sleepy again.

Hannah: That horse is foaming at the mouth. They better get it a drink.
Sarah: Oh, no. He's just... thirsty.

Hannah: I don't have any favorite names.
Ro: Like none that you like?
Hannah: Well not off the top of my head. If you say a name, I'll be like, "yeah it's nice," or whatever. If you ask me a name I might be like OH THAT'S MY FAVORITE NAME and the next day I forgot it.
Ro: Do you like Tristan?
Hannah: Sure
Dad: I know a guy named Tristan.
Ro: Oh who is he?
Dad: A guy.
Ro: Anything else?
Dad: Named Tristan.

Abby: Wait, I have a question. Your gall bladder is in your toe?

Hannah: We have teachers aids in the bookstore. Stuff for teachers... to help them teach.

Sarah: I'm feeling lazier than the guy who invented the Japanese flag

Abby: Does eating healthy help people get fitnetized?

Ro: I think I'll make this my profile pic.
Hannah: No.
Ro: Would you pay me if I did?
Hannah: No.
Ro: Five bucks?
Hannah: If anything, you should be paying me. I took the picture.

Hannah: Who do they think I am, Michelangelo?

Dad: Abby, you look kinda like a stick of gum

Sarah: I can do anything if I can keep a straight face.

Ro: You guys are cute.
Dad: Yeah you're cute, Abby. I'm handsome.

Hannah: (on shower cleaning) I feel like I’m brushing teeth… the teeth of a big, ceramic… whale.

Hannah: Oh, Dean Martin sings it!
Dad: That’s cuz he’s a good Italian boy.
Hannah: Dean Martin was ITALIAN?!
Mom: That isn’t his real name.
Dad: No. It’s Deano Martino.

Mom: People think you’re just so funny.
Ro: We are!

Ro: I don’t understand that movie.
Hannah: I don’t either. I’ve never seen it.
Ro: I’ve never seen it either.

Abby reciting “America the Beautiful…”
Abby: “Oh beautiful, oh beautiful…”
Sarah: No!
Abby: Right. “Oh beautiful, oh beautiful…”
Sarah: No!

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